
Manage your fleet and your business more efficiently with the nitty-gritty details about your fleet

A healthy engine helps run a greener fleet

An ECM (Engine Control Module) is a complex control unit inside a vehicle that collects engine and vehicle data. This is the data hub inside your vehicle that “knows” everything that is going on with the engine.

Our latest generation of Fleet Tracker, MGS800 seamlessly integrates with the vehicle’s ECM, offering managers and owners the ability to monitor the location of vehicles and measure fleet’s performance. A well-maintained vehicle runs smoother, burns less fuel, breaks down less often and helps lower your operating cost.  

The MGS Fleet Trackers pull data from a vehicle’s ECM and transmit the data along with the vehicle’s location into the Fleet Complete’s fleet management software. Managers and owners can customize alerts to notify them of diagnostic troubles, such as when engine oil reaches a certain capacity and / or temperature. All these alerts are logged for later review. Fleet Complete offers 20+ different data readings from the vehicle ECM:

  • Brake application pressure and pedal positionMGS800 with cable 2 FC small
  • Cruise control state
  • Engine coolant level, pressure and temperature
  • Engine oil pressure and temperature
  • Transmission oil temperature
  • Fuel delivery pressure
  • Fuel level
  • Idle, instantaneous and total fuel used
  • Mass air flow
  • Odometer
  • Parking brake switch
  • Percent load at current speed
  • RPM
  • Speed
  • Throttle position
  • VIN
  • Water in fuel

Reports like Trip Report use the vehicle’s data to display the total distance traveled by the vehicle, total stops, idling/speeding, and more.

The Fleet Complete Tracking and Management Software has alerts that provide instant notification if Check Engine light or any other Diagnostic Trouble Code went on in the vehicles. Without access to this information, businesses have to rely solely on the driver to take care of the vehicle, which can be a cumbersome task given all their responsibilities.

In some cases, drivers will continue driving with minor malfunctions because going to the mechanic may mean downtime for the business. However, untreated minor malfunctions turn into larger breakdowns and end up costing your business more in the long run. For example, a faulty oxygen sensor inside the engine is a quick fix at the auto shop for approximately $200 (cheaper if you have your own mechanic), however, ignoring it could cause a busted catalytic converter that costs $2,000 to fix!

FC Web - Engine Faults Summary Report New UI

With detailed insight into the status of the company’s fleet, managers and owners can better manage their vehicle’s health and off load this responsibility from the drivers, letting the drivers focus on their driving and serving customers. Managers and owners can have visibility into the vehicles’ workload, their schedules and are able to shift some work around in order to schedule maintenance service with the least amount of downtime, resulting in smarter scheduling, better-maintained vehicles, and increased profits.

Contact us today to see how your business can run smoother, save money and time with ECM data.

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